Tag Archives: Marketing

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10 Common Advertising Phrases to Avoid and Why

Navigating the ever-evolving landscape of advertising regulations can be tricky. To help you stay compliant with FTC guidelines, here are ten common advertising phrases that you should avoid, along with explanations for why they can be problematic. Remember, always consult with an attorney to ensure your marketing practices align with legal standards. Yeah, it’s getting […]...
Marketing StrategyOnline MarketingSocial Media Marketing
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The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly in Marketing

As a business owner, your primary focus is providing excellent products or services. However, in the digital age, maintaining an effective online presence is crucial. Unfortunately, many businesses fall into the trap of spending exorbitant amounts on marketing agencies that promise the world but deliver little. Let’s explore some common mistakes and offer tips to […]...
Business StrategyMarketing Strategy
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The Power of the Three Pillars: Building Business Growth with Operations, Marketing, and Sales

The path to business growth isn’t a straight line; it’s a multifaceted journey that requires a solid foundation in three key areas: Operations, Marketing, and Sales. At Gizoom, we call these the Three Pillars of Business Growth. Operations ensure that your business runs smoothly, while Marketing helps you reach your target audience. Sales, the final […]...
Business StrategyMarketing Strategy
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Decoding the Value of a Fractional CMO for Entrepreneurs

If you’re an entrepreneur grappling with the complexities of marketing, you’re likely aware of its critical role in business growth. Marketing not only helps you connect with your target market but also drives customer engagement and differentiation. However, effective marketing isn’t straightforward; it requires a significant investment of time, resources, and expertise. The Case for […]...
Marketing StrategyOnline Marketing
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Cut the Waste: Efficient Ad Spending with Gizoom Marketing & Consulting

With the ease of digital marketing, it’s tempting to throw money at multiple channels and hope for the best. However, without a clear strategy, you could be wasting your ad spend without seeing any significant results. At Gizoom, we aim to put an end to this reckless marketing by focusing on effective and efficient ad […]...
Business StrategyMarketing Strategy
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The Importance of a Solid Foundation: Operations, Marketing and Sales

In the world of business, recklessly throwing money at marketing efforts without a solid foundation is akin to constructing a building on sand. For any organization seeking growth, it is essential to first establish a solid foundation in Operations, Marketing, and Sales. The three pillars, Operations, Marketing, and Sales, form the backbone of any successful […]...
Marketing StrategyOnline MarketingSEO
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Exploring The Dynamic Realm Of Programmatic Advertising

On the marketing landscape, a recent study found that more than 30% of professionals are amplifying their Programmatic Advertising investments! But what does this mean for your business? Today’s consumers are increasingly discerning, and Programmatic Ads provide a potent way to engage with your audience effectively. They’re affordable, adaptable, and can supercharge a standard SEO […]...
Business StrategyMarketing StrategyOnline MarketingSEO
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Marketing Scammers or the Great Gatsby of Scottsdale? – A Tale of Top Marketing Agencies!

Buckle up, folks, because we’re about to embark on a hilarious roller-coaster ride through the glitzy world of marketing and sales! Where the best marketing agencies in Scottsdale engage in dazzling feats of creativity and others… well, they more resemble an episode of American Greed. We like to call this amusing episode “Marketing Scammers.” Imagine […]...